Have you been looking for a good way to get involved with ENY/ACRL? We’ll be posting about the various positions that are coming open this Spring, starting with the Vice President/President/Past-President role!…
Save the Date for ENY/ACRL’s Spring 2020 Conference
Save the date for the Spring 2020 Conference, “2020 Vision for the Future: Open and Accessible”. The conference will be held on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at the Syracuse University Law Library,…
Fall 2019 Newsletter is here!
Fall 2019
Spring 2019 Newsletter is here!
ENYACRL Spring 2019
2019 Board Elections and Candidate Details!
The following candidates are running for open positions on the ENY/ACRL Board. Ballots for positions with more than one candidate will be sent by email to all eligible members (i.e., current as…