Have you been looking for a good way to get involved with ENY/ACRL? We’ll be posting about the various positions that are coming open this Spring.
The Secretary position is available for election! This is a great way to learn everything you could ever possibly want to know about ENY/ACRL. Plus, since most of our meetings are virtual, you don’t have to worry about travel at all! More details below.
- Elected position
- Serves 2 years.
- Time Involved: Quarterly Board meetings, primarily online (about 2 hours each). Face-to-face meeting immediately after the annual conference. Must attend the conference business meeting. It is estimated that you will spend about 1-2 hours every 4 months on this position.
- Duties
- Prepares and records the minutes of board meetings, as well as the conference. Sends out the agenda prior to a board meeting.
- Assists Past President with developing the candidate ballot and emailing ballots as needed.
- Maintains Chapter Documents (Bylaws, Board Handbook, etc.)
- Writes annual report for the annual conference.
- Requirements:
- Member of ENY/ACRL
- Member of ALA and ACRL