Membership Registration Form
What is ENY/ACRL?
ENY/ACRL is one of 42 local chapters of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. Members represent private and public college and university libraries, and special libraries in the Eastern New York region. ENY/ACRL follows the mission of its parent organization to “lead academic and research librarians and libraries in advancing learning and scholarship.”
Why join ENY/ACRL?
ENY/ACRL sponsors one-day conferences that offer librarians opportunities to meet and interact with professionals from regional institutions. Well-planned and well-attended, conferences feature knowledgeable speakers on timely issues. Members attend at reduced rates. Share your expertise with others while showcasing your talents and growth within your chosen field. Present a poster session, participate in a panel discussion, or be a featured speaker!
ENY/ACRL offers librarians opportunities to take an active part in shaping the work of the chapter through service as an officer or a committee member. Both recent graduates and experienced librarians can demonstrate professional commitment while developing leadership skills in a dynamic organization.
ENY/ACRL members have the opportunity to apply for the new ENY/ACRL Professional Development Award to help their continuing education and engagement in the profession. Members can receive up to $300 in stipend to help support their attendance at a library professional development activity of the applicant’s choice. Applicants will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
ENY/ACRL members receive a regularly published newsletter and a membership directory. The chapter e-mail discussion group publicizes employment opportunities and facilitates networking of librarians within the region.
ENY/ACRL members may join the membership forum. This listserv is available to members only and offers a way to communicate with colleagues in ENY/ACRL. Messages from members can be posted at
ENY/ACRL Membership Fees:
- ENY/ACRL Membership: $15
- ENY/ACRL Membership (for current ACRL members): $12
Membership in national ACRL is encouraged, but not required, though ENY/ACRL dues are reduced if you are a national member.
Membership is open to anyone and we especially encourage students enrolled in library/information science programs to join.