Have you been looking for a good way to get involved with ENY/ACRL? We’ll be posting about the various positions that are coming open this Spring, starting with the Vice President/President/Past-President role!
The VP/P/PP position is a unique one, as it is the only position that is elected every year, and that you serve for a 3-year period. If you think you don’t know enough about ENY/ACRL to qualify, the good news is that the VP position is mainly focused on getting you ready to be president. You’ll learn from the rest of the executive board, assist the President and Past-President, and learn more than you can imagine about the background work of the organization. More details below!
Vice President/President/Past-President
- Elected position
- Serves for 3 years in the three different roles; however, every year a new VP is elected. If we are unable to elect a VP, you may be asked to serve an extra year.
- Time involved: Quarterly Board meetings, primarily online (about 2 hours each). Face-to-face meeting immediately after the annual conference. You should be able to regularly check your email for important issues that may require a board discussion or vote. If you’ll be away from your computer for an extended period (1 week or more) outside the regular academic holiday schedules, please inform the other board members. It is estimated that you will spend about 2 hours per week in business related to this position.
- Vice President: focuses on co-sponsorships, assists the President and the Chair of the Programming Committee, prepares to serve as President. Reports on their progress at quarterly meetings. May replace the president at the ALA conferences to represent ENY/ACRL at the ACRL council meeting.
- President: Sets agenda items and tone for the year, primarily co-signs reimbursement and vendor requests, runs the quarterly board meetings, attends ALA conferences to represent ENY/ACRL at the ACRL council meeting (subsidized by ENY/ACRL). Mentors the Vice President.
- Past-President: solicits nominations and conducts elections for Chapter officers, chairs the Professional Development Grants Selection Committee, attends board meetings and reports on their progress, provides information to new board members, prepares and submits the Chapter annual report to ACRL.
- Requirements:
- Member of ENY/ACRL
- Member of ALA and ACRL
Interested? Contact Debbie Krahmer dkrahmer@colgate.edu to find out more!