8:15am Registration (Gannett Lobby, Palamountain Hall) – Breakfast available
9:00am Welcome: Tarida Anantachai, ENY/ACRL President
9:05am-9:50 Keynote: Marisa Parham, Professor of English at Amherst College and Director of the Five College Digital Humanities Project (http://5colldh.org/steering-committee/marisa-parham/)
Marisa Parham is Professor of English at Amherst College, and also directs the Five College Digital Humanities Initiative, which is a Mellon-funded grant initiative serving Amherst, Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke, and Smith Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Her current teaching and research projects focus on texts that problematize assumptions about time, space, and bodily materiality, particularly as such terms share a history of increasing complexity in texts produced by African Americans and offer ways of thinking about intersectional approaches to technology studies. She holds a PhD in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University, and is the author of Haunting and Displacement in African-American Literature and Culture, as well as The African-American Student’s Guide to College.
9:50-10:00 Break
10:00-10:30 Linked data in libraries: another fad or paradigm shift?: Amber Billey, Metadata Librarian at Columbia University Libraries (https://twitter.com/justbilley)
Linked data is the current hot topic in library technology, but is it just a passing trend or a game changer for how we handle and deliver library metadata? With the Library of Congress moving forward with BIBFRAME, OCLC publishing linked data, ALA hosting RDA in RDF “Jane-a-thons,” and numerous grant funded linked data projects in libraries — the evidence strongly supports that we are at the brink of a metadata movement that will dramatically effect our work. This talk will explore the basic principles of linked data, as well as its current and potential application in libraries. What will our library catalogs look like in a linked data environment? How will our workflows change? And most importantly, how will it effect our library users?
Amber Billey received her MLIS from Pratt Institute in 2009 with certificates in Archives and Museum Librarianship. She is currently the Metadata Librarian at Columbia University Libraries where she ensures the application of local and national standards for the creation and maintenance of metadata to enable information organization and discovery. Prior to Columbia, Billey worked as the Cataloging/Metadata Librarian at the University of Vermont Libraries. From 2009-2011, she was the metadata specialist for CollectiveAccess open-source collection management software. Billey is a Visiting Instructor at Pratt School of Information, and the Vice-Chair of the Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest Group within the ALCTS Division of ALA. She is also a member of the Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Committee of the RBMS Section of ACRL. Billey served as the Vermont Library Association President from 2013-2014.
10:30 -11:00 Break, Vendors
11:00-11:45 – Breakout Sessions
- Digital Humanities: Robin Camille Davis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
- Open Access: Scott Warren, Syracuse University
- BIBFRAME and Linked Data: Amber Billey, Columbia University
- Incorporating Digital Scholarship Into Instruction: Ken Fujiuchi, Buffalo State College
- Marketing Your Digital Collections: Kathryn Frederick, Skidmore College
11:45-1:00 – Lunch (Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, second floor)
1:00-1:45pm – Lightning Rounds
1:45pm-2:15pm – Posters, Vendors
2:15-3:00pm Closing speaker: Die Hard: The Impossible, Absolutely Essential Task of Saving the Web: Robin Camille Davis, Emerging Technologies & Distance Services Librarian at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (http://www.robincamille.com/)
Digital projects and web-based scholarship present special challenges for preservation. Through horror stories and inspirational tales, we will examine what we’re losing and how we can save it.
Robin Camille Davis is the Emerging Technologies & Distance Services Librarian at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), where she leads digital projects and pursues the future of libraries. She writes the “Internet Connection” column for Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian. Robin has given presentations internationally at library and humanities conferences and is active on Twitter as @robincamille. She holds an MLIS from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with a focus in data curation and is currently pursuing an MA at the CUNY Graduate Center in computational linguistics.
3:00pm – Tour of Skidmore’s Lucy Scribner Library.