Conference Keynote Speakers
Emily Drabinski is the Critical Pedagogy Librarian at The Graduate Center, CUNY. Drabinski edits Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books, and is on the editorial boards of College and Research Libraries and Radical Teacher, a journal of socialist, feminist, and anti-racist teaching practice.
Courtney L. Young is University Librarian at Colgate University. She previously held library positions at Penn State’s Greater Allegheny, Beaver and University Park campuses, at Michigan State University, and The Ohio State University. She has served in a variety of leadership roles in the American Library Association (ALA), including being elected the 2014-2015 ALA President. Courtney is a graduate of the College of Wooster (OH) with a B.A. in English and minors in Black Studies and Women’s Studies, and Simmons College (now University) in Boston, where she received her M.S. in Library Science. In January 2016 she received the Simmons Alumni Achievement Award for Outstanding Achievement and Excellence in Library and Information Professional Endeavors. In 2011, Courtney was named a Library Journal “Mover & Shaker”, recognized as a Change Agent for her ability to successfully make connections among a diversity of duties in her library, on campus, and in the profession. Courtney frequently presents and publishes on issues related to advocacy, academic librarianship, diversity, virtual reference, leadership, and professional development.
ACRL Roadshow Facilitator
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe is Professor/Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction in the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as an affiliate faculty member in the university’s library school. Lisa was the 2010-2011 President of ACRL. Along with Debra Gilchrist, Lisa was the lead designer for ACRL’s training program for the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education and the IMLS-funded Assessment in Action project. For more information about Lisa, see