Breakout Session #1 (10:30-11:15am)
Jill Dixon, Director of Public Services, Binghamton University Libraries
Nancy Abashian, Head of Reader Services and Resource Sharing, Binghamton University Libraries
Are you an inspirational leader? Are you a change agent? There are so many theories on organizational management and leadership styles to choose from. Knowing which leadership style fits you best can be challenging-why settle for one? When balancing what style works for you with negotiating what works best for those you lead consider tailoring your approach across leadership theories for a custom fit. This session will provide the framework of several prominent leadership styles such as transformational leadership, leadership frames, and emotional intelligence among others. We will examine several elements of each theory. The presentation will include pros and cons of each style and how to use them together to maximize their effectiveness. After the presentation, attendees will have an open discussion about each theory and how they relate to the different leadership styles and their own best practices for effective leadership.
Session B: Leveraging Academic Networks for Promotion and Tenure
Linda Galloway, STEM Collection Development and Chemistry, Biology and Forensics Librarian, Syracuse University
Annie Rauh, Engineering and Computer Science Librarian, Syracuse University
Preparing for promotion and tenure (or tenure equivalent status) is a stressful time in any librarians’ career. Leveraging the power of academic and professional online networks can enhance and showcase an information professional’s scholarly output. From blog posts to peer-reviewed journal articles, knowing how to best promote your work will make the process easier. The presentation will include an overview of best practices for academic networking and provide participants with recommendations to build a solid online network. The presentation will begin with an overview of the topic, include descriptions of recommended tools and techniques, describe two short case studies and conclude with small group discussions. The presenters, who have both recently gone through the promotion process, will facilitate discussions culminating in networking action items for participants to accomplish after the conference.
Session C: ACRL Activities and Initiatives
Mary Ellen Davis, Executive Director, ACRL
For several years, funds have been available to give chapters the opportunity to invite members of the ACRL Board and the Executive Director to the region as participants in chapter activities. The purpose of the visit is to speak about the activities and initiatives of ACRL and to learn of members’ interests at chapter level.
Breakout Session #2 (1:30-2:15pm)
Session D: Supporting Colleagues and Ourselves to Grow Professionally Through Mentoring and Beyond
Yu-Hui Chen, Subject Specialist for Education and East Asian Studies, University at Albany
Having a good mentor is advantageous. How to become a good mentor? How can a mentee get the most out of a mentoring relationship? What about mentoring for colleagues who have received tenure or permanent appointment? This session will draw on participants’ experiences with mentoring (being a mentor, or a mentee, or both). The discussion will consider the role of a mentor, the responsibilities of a mentee, and building a successful mentor-mentee relationship. Additionally, the facilitator will share with the participants the mentoring program at the University at Albany Libraries and various professional development programs offered by the Libraries’ Professional Activities Committee and the University.
Stephanie Herfel Kinsler, User Services Librarian, SUNY Orange
Michele Iannuzzi Sucich, MD, Assistant Professor, Biology Department, SUNY Orange
Anne Sandor, Assistant Professor & Writing Consultancy Coordinator, English Department, SUNY Orange
A major challenge for all librarians is making connections with faculty members and other campus stakeholders to help our students develop the information literacy and critical thinking skills they need to succeed in college and beyond. This presentation will discuss a unique and successful collaboration from the perspectives of an embedded librarian, Biology professor, and Writing Consultancy Coordinator/English professor. Three speakers will discuss the background on how this collaboration formed, specifics of each collaborators role, and how it is working to help students and our college meet curriculum goals. How can librarians outreach and “sell” library services to its constituents, and how can libraries capitalize on their strengths to overcome barriers within their campus culture? The presentation will allow for discussion on how individual campus stakeholders at any institution can have a positive impact on organizational cultures within as well as beyond the walls of the library.